Formally in the 1962 and 2015 Comal County Parades. Originally entered by the Canyon High School class of 1963 as a parade float.

Inspecting the engine
We found no leaks in the radiator. The spark plugs were able to be removed. The engine seems to be in overall good condition. The chassis has been oiled. We hope to get this vehicle running before the May 4th event.

Getting the TT Truck Running
Meet the Canyon High School Class of 1963
This Ford TT was featured in the 1962 Comal County Fair parade. It is actually being towed. Class of ’63 guys riding. This truck was “resurrected” and in Fair Parade over 50 years later (2015). The group photo was taken at the Canyon High School’s 60th reunion (2023).

Photos provided by Karl Stellges and Dorothy Weltner Oelkers