The Museum, founded by Roger Freeman, is open today in temporary housing at Old Kingsbury Aerodrome. Although we’re working on getting our permanent museum building up, we are open!
Please donate to help us build our museum!
Our normal open hours are from 9:00 am-12:00 pm, and 1:00 pm-4:00 pm most weekdays and weekends. We are also open on volunteer workdays from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, please see our EVENTS CALENDAR for current work day dates. Sometimes we’re tied up elsewhere, so always best to call or email ahead to ensure somebody will be available to let you in, show you around, and/or answer questions. Please call (830) 639-4162 or email
We are normally closed for the holidays:
- New Year’s Day
- Memorial Day
- July 4th
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving
- Christmas
But again, be sure to give us a call since we are often here on these days, and happy to show folks around whenever we can. We can be contacted by phone at 830-639-4162, or by email at Our dedicated staff is happy to help!
- Charlotte Parker, office manager
- Roger Ritter, website administrator
- Kurt Maurer, email wrangler
The Pioneer Flight Museum acquired an original World War I hangar to serve as the museum building. The structure was moved to the museum grounds where it was rebuilt and restored. PFM is in fundraising mode to help cover the cost of finishing the building.

Here is how it looked before the cladding was added:

This picture shows an aerial view of Dodd Field taken in the early 20th century. The black building at the north end of the field is the hangar that we have acquired. After Dodd Field was closed, this building was dismantled and moved to Fort Sam Houston. Over the years, it was moved several times, and served a variety of purposes for the Army. PFM will use the hangar as its primary exhibit building, housing the non-flying and historical artifacts owned by the foundation.